Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery

At Clinic Dentistes Outremont, we can count on the expertise of passionate professionals to assist you with tooth extraction, gum grafting or bone grafting. The better the preparation the better the results: that’s why our dentists value diagnostic evualuation and informed discussion with the patient, for an informed choice and personalized solutions.

Dental surgery for a healthy smile

Our Outremont patients can benefit from the expertise of our professionals in the following cases:

All these procedures are aimed at restoring the proper functioning of the oral system, like chewing or speaking. They can also prevent complications, such as a damaged tooth, or an exposed tooth root caused by gum loss. These procedures can also restore or preserve the aesthetics of your mouth, particularly in the case of receding gums on certain teeth, a phenomenon which can affect the aesthetics of your smile.

Chirurgie dentaire
Des professionnels rigoureux à votre service

Rigorous professionals at your service

At Dentistes Outremont, we work with our patients to ensure their oral health. That's why we take the following steps for all surgical treatments:
  • Thorough assessment of needs beforehand;
  • Discussion of multiple options with the patient;
  • Planning the chosen procedure: does the patient need pre-operative advice? Is an X-ray or CT scan of the area required?
  • Appointment for the surgery, in a caring, comfortable and safe environment;
  • Follow-up appointments and post-operative advice.

Post-operative advice

Our team will provide you with personalized advice after your surgery. In the meantime, here are a few general recommendations:
  • Rest for 24 to 48 hours after surgery. Avoid physical activity.
  • Avoid eating and drinking for two hours after surgery.
  • For the next 24 to 72 hours, eat cold (but not too cold) or lukewarm, liquid or soft food (purée, soup, smoothie, etc.). The important thing is that it's easy to chew.
  • Avoid drinking through a straw to avoid dislodging the blood clot that protects the wound and enables it to heal.
  • Then gradually resume your usual diet, making sure not to put too much strain of the jaw. Try eating on the opposite side of the surgery, if possible.
  • To limit pain and swelling in the following days, you can apply a cold compress to the painful area (10 minutes every hour) and take painkillers as recommended by your dentist.
  • If the pain is very severe or persists after a few days, or if the swelling does not go down, contact your dentist. It is important to check the surgical site for infection.
A well-followed surgery is a successful surgery! Our dentists in Outremont provide personalized follow ups throughout the procedure, for your well-being and your health.
Extraction dentaire
Tooth extraction is sometimes the last resort to avoid serious complications. Our team of experienced dentists will be with you every step of the way.
Extraction dents de sagesse
Wisdom teeth can be a real pain! Our dentists can assess whether they should be extracted, and guide you through this important process to protect the health of your mouth.
Greffe de gencive
Gum grafting is a common surgical procedure that can prevent many long-term complications. It is necessary when the roots of certain teeth are exposed due to gum recession. Consult our professionals to find out if this solution is right for you!
Greffe osseuse
Thinking of getting an implant? Your dentist may recommend bone grafting beforehand. This simple operation offers the best chance of success when it comes to implant placement. 

Prenez note que pour le congé des Fêtes, la clinique sera fermée du 23 décembre au 7 janvier, inclusivement. Nous serons de retour le 8 janvier avec notre horaire habituel.