Conscious sedation with nitrous oxide in Montreal

Conscious sedation with nitrous oxide in Montreal

We are pleased to offer patients at our dental clinic in Outremont, Montreal, the option of conscious sedation using nitrous oxide during our dental treatment. This is a very safe technique, administered by our dentists to calm our more anxious patients, allowing them to enjoy relaxed dental care appointments. It's a considerable advantage in our range of services.

What is nitrous oxide conscious sedation?

Nitrous oxide conscious sedation is a technique used in dentistry to help patients relax and reduce anxiety during their dental treatment. This method is also known as "laughing gas", because of the euphoric and relaxing effects it gives. In dentistry, this technique is used with children and adults.

Nitrous oxide is a colorless, odorless gas that acts as a mild analgesic. It is administered through a nasal mask and mixed with oxygen. This induces a state of relaxation and well-being throughout the treatment. However, the patient remains conscious and is able to respond to the dentist's instructions during the dental procedure.

Throughout administration, the dentist and his assistant will constantly monitor vital signs such as heart rate, oxygen saturation and blood pressure to ensure safety. It's important to understand that nitrous oxide sedation is considered safe when administered by trained healthcare professionals in the appropriate setting. It can help make dental visits more comfortable for many patients.

Qu’est-ce que la sédation consciente au protoxyde d’azote ?

The advantages of this technique


Reduced anxiety

One of the main benefits of this technique is its ability to reduce the stress and fear associated with dental treatment. Many patients feel apprehensive about going to the dentist, and nitrous oxide can help them relax and feel more at ease during procedures.


Consciousness maintained

Unlike other deeper types of sedation, such as general anesthesia, nitrous oxide sedation allows the patient to remain conscious and able to respond to the dentist's instructions. This ensures safety during the procedure and enables the patient to actively cooperate.


Pain control

Although nitrous oxide does not replace local anesthesia, it can help reduce sensitivity during dental treatments. This can make the dental experience less uncomfortable.


Rapid reversibility

Once the inhalation of nitrous oxide is stopped, the effects dissipates quickly, allowing patients to recover and resume normal activities without experiencing significant residual effects. This technique does not increase post-treatment recovery time.


Flexible dosage

The level of sedation can be adjusted to suit the individual needs and the complexity of the dental procedure. This allows treatment to be tailored to the patient's preferences.

Nitrous oxide sedation is often used for anxious or phobic patients, those with low pain tolerance, or for more complex dental procedures requiring more chair time. If you'd like to find out more, our Outremont dentists will be happy to discuss whether it's right for you or your child at a clinic appointment.

Les avantages  de la technique  de Sédation consciente au protoxyde d’azote

Prenez note que pour le congé des Fêtes, la clinique sera fermée du 23 décembre au 7 janvier, inclusivement. Nous serons de retour le 8 janvier avec notre horaire habituel.