Dental emergencies

Dental emergencies

Sometimes, the health of your teeth just can't wait: it's a dental emergency. If you're facing acute pain, a broken or knocked-out tooth, a lost filling or any other worrisome situation, don't panic - our dedicated dentists are here for you!

Our dentists to help with your dental emergencies

A broken tooth, a blow to the jaw, sudden and intense pain: don't hesitate to contact Dentistes Outremont as soon as possible! We are committed to providing you with an appointment as soon as possible. Our clinic is open Monday to Saturday.

For even more effective care, it's a good idea to give your dentist as many details as possible. Certain gestures can also be taken to help you control the effects and facilitate repair, if necessary. To guide you, our team of professionals has compiled a list of important questions to ask in the event of a dental emergency. 

Nos dentistes au secours de vos urgences dentaires

Questions to ask in the event of dental pain

Les questions à se poser en cas de douleur dentaire
Dental pain is never something to be ignored! Of course, there's the case of sharp pain that prompts us to call without delay, but there's also no need to hesitate to consult your dentist in the event of a stabbing pain that disappears and then reappears. Whatever its form, dental pain is always a symptom of an underlying problem. So, pay close attention to what it might be telling you!
Where is my pain located? Is it sharp and hard to bear? Is it milder, but has been present for some time? Does it occur mainly when you wake up in the morning?
All these details can help your dentist find the cause of the pain and suggest a suitable solution! If your pain is intense and hard to bear, you can use over-the-counter painkillers like Tylenol or Advil to relieve it while you wait for your appointment.
Is my pain accompanied by local swelling or fever?
If so, you probably have a dental abscess, i.e. an infection that forms near the roots of the tooth. You should see your dentist as soon as possible to control the infection and prevent it from spreading. 
Is my pain accompanied by swelling that can be heard elsewhere in my face?
If so, go to a hospital emergency room as soon as possible. 

Questions to ask in the event of a broken tooth

Broken or cracked tooth? Don't panic, the professionals at Dentistes Outremont can fix it for you! You can start by observing the problem. 
Is it a filling or crown that's broken?
If so, notify your dentist immediately. Even if you don't feel any pain, it's important not to leave the tooth unprotected, to avoid the infiltration of bacteria.
Does the tooth break (wedge, crack) cause pain?
If you feel no pain, or only a slight sensitivity, it's likely that the nerve has not been affected. Even if it's less urgent, it's important to consult your dentist as soon as possible, because a damaged tooth is brittle and more vulnerable to bacteria. In the event of severe pain, consult your dentist as soon as possible.
Is the tooth fracture very pronounced? Is the pain very sharp? Can you see a red spot or blood at the fracture site?
If so, visit your Outremont dental clinic as soon as possible. If you can, salvage the broken piece of tooth: it could be used to repair the tooth. In the meantime, you can store it in water, milk or saliva.
Les questions à se poser en cas de bris dentaire

Questions to ask in the event of dental trauma

Les questions à se poser en cas de trauma dentaire
Have you fallen or received a blow? Check whether your teeth have been affected by the incident.
Are my affected teeth painful?
If your teeth seem stable and the pain subsides, there's no need to seek medical attention. However, don't forget to mention the incident to your dentist during your routine check-up. If the tooth subsequently changes color, consult us promptly. This is probably a sign that the nerve has died, which could weaken the tooth in the long term. 
Are my teeth mobile (seem to move a little)?
If one or more teeth are moving, and the pain is persistent, this is a dental emergency: consult your Outremont dental professional without delay. It could be a dental fracture.
I've lost my tooth. What should I do?
If your tooth is completely out of its socket, try to recover it if you can: your dentist may be able to put it back in place. Above all, don't handle it by the root! Rinse it out with clear water and try to reposition it while you wait for your appointment. If this isn't possible, you can store it in a small container with a little saliva, water or milk. 
We hope you find these tips helpful in the event of a dental emergency. If necessary, make an appointment at your Outremont clinic without delay: our caring dentists are here to help!

Prenez note que pour le congé des Fêtes, la clinique sera fermée du 23 décembre au 7 janvier, inclusivement. Nous serons de retour le 8 janvier avec notre horaire habituel.