Implant-supported dentures

Implant-supported dentures

When many teeth are missing, a prosthesis is necessary to restore functionality and esthetics. At Dentistes Outremont, our implant-supported general dentists offer implant-supported prostheses for long-lasting, comfortable, and natural-looking results.

The consequences of missing teeth

It's a good idea to replace missing teeth as soon as possible, because holes left in the dentition can have multiple negative consequences... displacement of the roots of adjacent teeth, gums that are more vulnerable to infection, resorption of the jawbone, poorer smile aesthetics, etc. When many teeth are missing, the whole functioning of the jaw and the well-being of the individual are affected. Problems with chewing, speech and self-esteem can impact on overall quality of life.
Les conséquences des 
dents manquantes
Les implants dentaires : 
que sont-ils ?

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are small screws made of titanium (a biocompatible material) that act as "artificial roots" onto which your dentist can then fit a dental prosthesis. The advantages of this cutting-edge technique are numerous:
  • Stimulation and regeneration of the jawbone, preventing sagging of the lower facial features;
  • Strong, long-lasting results;
  • Restoration of jaw function (chewing, speech);
  • Natural-looking teeth.

Types of implant-supported dentures

There are two types of implant-supported prosthesis: removable and fixed. The choice depends on the particularities of your dentition, and these possibilities are chosen based on your needs. Removable prostheses are often preferred for the lower jaw, where two to four dental implants are placed on the lower jawbone. It's called removable because it's held in place by "clamps" on the implants, and can be easily removed. For the upper jaw, a fixed prosthesis may be recommended, generally anchored to four to six implants.

In all cases, implant-supported prostheses are a solid, long-term solution with many advantages.

Les types de prothèses 
sur implants
Les avantages de la prothèse 
sur implants

The advantages of implant-supported dentures

Implant-supported prostheses offer significant advantages:
  • Increased stability;
  • Protection against food infiltration into the prosthesis;
  • Improved mastication and speech;
  • Protection of soft tissues, which can be irritated or weakened by conventional prostheses;
  • Bone stimulation to reverse bone resorption and prevent premature ageing of the face;
  • A natural, aesthetic result.

Our team at your side

Dentistes Outremont offers comprehensive services for your implant-supported prosthesis. Our passionate team will ensure that your situation and your options are thoroughly and rigorously assessed and discussed. All our professionals are here to support you in the process of restoring your smile. 

Questions about implant-supported dentures? Schedule an evaluation at Dentistes Outremont.

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Prenez note que pour le congé des Fêtes, la clinique sera fermée du 23 décembre au 7 janvier, inclusivement. Nous serons de retour le 8 janvier avec notre horaire habituel.