

Bruxism is the involuntary grinding or clenching of teeth. Most often occurring unconsciously or during sleep, bruxism can be difficult to detect, yet its consequences should not be overlooked. Your dentist can help you make sense of it and take appropriate action.

How do I know if I suffer from bruxism?

Soufrence de bruxisme
Teeth grinding can occur at different times. During the day, jaw clenching usually occurs unconsciously, while the subject is awake but concentrating on a task (e.g. driving). It is then possible to notice and control the mechanism that causes it. However, when it occurs at night, it is not noticed. This makes the problem difficult to apprehend, especially at first, when the discomfort is not yet significant. However, there are a number of symptoms that may alert you to the problem:
  • You've already been told about the noise your teeth make at night;
  • You experience jaw pain when waking up, which may or may not subside quickly;
  • You have pain that radiates to your face and temples;
  • You suffer from headaches or earaches;
  • You experience fatigue or jaw pain;
  • Your teeth are hypersensitive, fractured or wobbly;
  • Your dentist has noticed abnormal tooth wear.
If you're concerned about any of these symptoms, talk to your Outremont dentist. It's important to detect bruxism as soon as possible to avoid damage to your teeth and jaw. 

I grind my teeth. What are the consequences?

The causes of bruxism are still poorly understood, but it is thought that it may be linked to stress and anxiety, poor sleep quality (particularly in cases of sleep apnea or interrupted sleep) or misalignment of the teeth. The long-term consequences, however, have been observed time and again:
  • Cracked or broken teeth;
  • Fracture of fillings or crowns;
  • Exacerbated pressure on gums and soft tissues;
  • Exacerbated pressure on the jaw and its joints.

In the long term, bruxism can affect oral health and overall quality of life.

Je grince des dents, quelles sont les conséquences ?
Que peut faire mon dentiste ?

 What can my dentist do? 

Only dentists have the expertise to assess whether you suffer from bruxism. The professionals at Dentistes Outremont will examine your teeth in detail and ask you the questions necessary to make a diagnosis. Since everyone’s situation is unique, the advice and treatment your dentist recommends will be personal to you. For example, if you grind your teeth mostly at night, our team may suggest you wear an occlusal plate. This custom-made appliance helps relax your jaw muscles while protecting your teeth against bruxism-induced friction. 

Your dentist may also advise you on ways to control jaw clenching or refer you to a qualified professional. If your bruxism is related to misaligned teeth, he or she may also suggest a plan to remedy this underlying cause. 

Bruxism is a serious problem that too often goes unnoticed. That's why it's important to report any oral pain or discomfort you experience during routine check-ups. Our team at Dentistes Outremont has the expertise to make the right diagnosis: don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions!ous faire part de toutes vos interrogations !

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