

At Dentistes Outremont, we want to provide our patients with the efficiency and comfort they expect. That's why we keep up-to-date with the latest technologies in dentistry, to provide the most accurate diagnosis and care possible. Here's an overview of the technologies used by the clinic's team.


CEREC technology makes it possible to obtain and place customized restorations in just one visit! CEREC's computer system creates a visual impression of your teeth, then designs a 3D model of your future restoration (be it an inlay, crown or veneer). Next, a robotized machining unit cuts your restoration on site, from a ceramic block colored to match your dentition. Then, the restoration is ready for installation!

CEREC restorations are durable, precise and natural-looking, as well as being achieved very quickly.
Scan 3D

3D scanning

Gone are the days when you had to bite down on a mold with paste to take an impression of your teeth! Today, for many purposes, such as designing restorations or planning orthodontic treatment, our clinic uses a 3D scanner. This allows us to take optical (digital) impressions of your teeth and oral tissues, by gently passing the scanner inside your mouth. Not only is it much more pleasant, but the result is also extremely precise! Optical impressions are now ready for use in treatment planning and restoration design.

Dental implants

Dental implants are one of the most exciting advances in modern dentistry. They enable us to replace one or more missing teeth in an esthetic and durable manner. A titanium screw (a biocompatible material) inserted into your jawbone serves as an "artificial root" to support the necessary restoration (crown, bridge or prosthesis). The result is strong and natural; in fact, it's the closest you'll get to natural teeth!
Implants dentaires
Radiographies numériques

Digital X-rays

Digital radiography complements the visual examination, for a more refined diagnosis. X-ray images reveal elements invisible to the naked eye, such as subgingival spaces, jawbones, tooth roots and so on. What's more, the digital format makes it possible to obtain precise images very quickly, as they are transmitted to a viewing screen. They can be saved in your clinic file and easily e-mailed to your insurers. Finally, they are more powerful than conventional X-rays, providing more quality images with less exposure to radiation (a reduction of over 80% compared with conventional X-rays).


A cephalogram is a medical imaging technique that provides an X-ray of the head and its bony structures. In dentistry, the cephalogram is used to assess the growth and development of craniofacial structures, including jaws and teeth. It can help diagnose dental problems such as malocclusions or maxillofacial growth anomalies. The information provided by the cephalogram can be used to plan orthodontic treatment. This technology also enables precise planning of the surgery needed to install dental implants.

Prenez note que pour le congé des Fêtes, la clinique sera fermée du 23 décembre au 7 janvier, inclusivement. Nous serons de retour le 8 janvier avec notre horaire habituel.